Online version: February 2021
Emeriane Avocats, as data controller, attaches particular importance to the protection of your personal data.
More information on the dedicated page.
Our team has advised listed companies on setting up and drafting strategic succession plans for management to ensure continuity of the corporate governance.
Management succession plans are a key issue in the organization and in the continuity of the corporate governance of a company.
Failure to anticipate the succession of corporate officers may have major negative impacts in terms of strategy, competitiveness and social performance, that can harm the company, its shareholders, employees and stakeholders.
Identify the various scenarios for each key role, that could requirer managing the succession of the role, to provide tailor-made solutions and answers adapted to the corporate governance of the company.
Draft an operational succession plan in close collaboration with the management and supervisory bodies of the company complying with best market practices and market recommendations including the guidelines published by the French Financial Markets Authority and the French High Committee for Corporate Governance.
The company is better prepared to face events that may impact its corporate governance, and to anticipate future requirements and ensure the continuity of its management.
Predictability and clarity for shareholders, investors and other stakeholders regarding evolutions within the company, including in the management team, that may impact its strategy and management.